Anze the doxiepin graduates intermediate dog training. Anze completed and proudfully graduated from Petsmart's intermediate dog training. This is a little late posting, but Anze's Mommy just found his graduation pictures. This class was a bit distracting for Anze as he graduated
puppy obedience training in November 2012 and was then enrolled into the intermediate class (recommended by his trainer Heather - she's the best!). However, Anze was nervous about being around bigger dogs, (especially since he was attacked by a german shepard when he was on a walk with his Mommy and Daddy) and there were a lot of bigger dogs in his intermediate class. It was a different environment than what he was comfortable in with his puppy class.
Anze graduated his intermediate class in February 2013. Although he seemed to be distracted, it really helped him get over his fears of bigger dogs and helped his socializing skills.
Here are some pictures of this little doxiepin's graduation from his intermediate dog training course:
Anze is one smart happy little doxiepin dog! Thank you Heather for the best training ever!
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